Before Getting Snoring Treatment

If you have snoring that bothers you and others in your house, there is a good chance that you have sleep apnea. Before seeking treatment for snoring, it’s important to eliminate the possibility of sleep apnea by getting a sleep test.

Once we have determined that you have simple snoring, not sleep apnea, we can recommend treatments.

Home Remedies for Snoring

snoring treatment detroit
There are many home remedies for snoring that you should try before getting professional help. Understand the causes of snoring and try to identify what is responsible for your snoring.

If allergies and congestion or swelling contribute to your snoring, try to reduce the level of allergens in your home. This may include changing your diet if mild food allergies are part of the problem.

Try getting more active. For many people, a lack of activity and being overweight contribute to snoring. Getting more exercise and losing weight can reduce or eliminate snoring.

Try changing your sleeping position. If you currently sleep on your back, it could be making your snoring worse. Move to sleeping on your side.

Smoking could be making your snoring worse. It irritates the tissues of your airway. It also contribute so stroke risk, so it’s a good idea to quit smoking if you can, and cut back if you can’t quit altogether.

Drinking alcohol in the evening can also make your snoring worse. It relaxes your muscles making your airway collapse more. Stop drinking alcohol at least four hours before bedtime.

Most over-the-counter snoring recipes are unlikely to work. Only nasal dilator strips can make a reasonable impact if you have nasal snoring. Anti-snoring sprays are generally ineffective, but also nontoxic. Feel free to try them. What you should not try, though, are over-the-counter snoring appliances. These are not only ineffective, but they can be damaging. A poorly fitting snoring appliance can contribute to TMJ.

Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral appliance therapy is an effective, easy snoring treatment. Most of them work by repositioning your jaw to help hold your airway open. Because your jaw plays an important role in supporting your airway, moving your jaw influences the shape and size of your airway especially when you’re asleep and your muscles relax.

Snoring Surgery

Snoring surgery has the same goals as sleep apnea surgery, and many of the same procedures are the same. The airway can be opened up with surgery in the nose, mouth, or throat.

Nose surgeries for snoring include deviated septum surgery and removing or reshaping turbinates. Mouth surgery for snoring includes uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), and laser or radiofrequency variations.

In general, surgery is not considered a good first treatment option for snoring, but if other treatments don’t work, it may be that snoring is the best approach. To learn what is the right snoring treatment for you, please call us at (248) 480-0085 today for an appointment.