Meet Dr. Jeff Haddad
Dr. Haddad’s passion for dentistry and helping people around the nation knows no bounds. With years of experience helping the patients in his community find relief from their TMJ disorder, Dr. Hadded began to teach his fellow dentists the skills and techniques he acquired. He wanted people around the nation to find the same peaceful and symptom-free life that his patients find with the help of Rochester Advanced Dentistry in Michigan.
The neuromuscular techniques Dr. Haddad uses to ease his patient’s pain are industry revolutionizing and go beyond the goals of general or cosmetic dentistry. Neuromuscular dentistry seeks to achieve harmony within each patient’s body by balancing the jaw. When the jaw is balanced, patients find that seemingly unrelated issues are resolved. Many patients find that with jaw pain relief, they experience less neck and shoulder pain, fewer headaches, migraine relief, vertigo alleviation, and more. Doctors who attend Dr. Haddad’s seminars on neuromuscular dentistry can give patients a gift they never thought they could receive: a full life without TMJ disorder’s painful and debilitating symptoms.
Book Dr. Haddad For Your Next Event
Dr. Haddad’s education is invaluable. He has spoken at Myotronics, ICCMO (International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics), IAPA (International Association of Physiologic Aesthetics), and various study clubs, like Oakland Dental.
Doctors and organizations can book Dr. Haddad to speak at their next event to share these revolutionary techniques so patients around the nation can get the same relief as patients at Dr. Haddad’s Michigan dental office, Rochester Advanced Dentistry.
Meet Dr. Jeff Haddad
Dr. Haddad’s passion for dentistry and helping people around the nation knows no bounds. With years of experience helping the patients in his community find relief from their TMJ disorder, Dr. Hadded began to teach his fellow dentists the skills and techniques he acquired. He wanted people around the nation to find the same peaceful and symptom-free life that his patients find with the help of Rochester Advanced Dentistry in Michigan.
The neuromuscular techniques Dr. Haddad uses to ease his patient’s pain are industry revolutionizing and go beyond the goals of general or cosmetic dentistry. Neuromuscular dentistry seeks to achieve harmony within each patient’s body by balancing the jaw. When the jaw is balanced, patients find that seemingly unrelated issues are resolved. Many patients find that with jaw pain relief, they experience less neck and shoulder pain, fewer headaches, migraine relief, vertigo alleviation, and more. Doctors who attend Dr. Haddad’s seminars on neuromuscular dentistry can give patients a gift they never thought they could receive: a full life without TMJ disorder’s painful and debilitating symptoms.
Book Dr. Haddad For Your Next Event
Dr. Haddad’s education is invaluable. He has spoken at Myotronics, ICCMO (International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics), IAPA (International Association of Physiologic Aesthetics), and various study clubs, like Oakland Dental.
Doctors and organizations can book Dr. Haddad to speak at their next event to share these revolutionary techniques so patients around the nation can get the same relief as patients at Dr. Haddad’s Michigan dental office, Rochester Advanced Dentistry.
Doctor Referral Information
Please download our patient referral form or use the email form below to contact Dr. Haddad regarding a patient referral.